Sunday, April 26, 2009


Lawyer Boy is currently suffering from either allergies, a summer cold, or the plague, which means I've been waiting on him more than usual, and have actually agreed to allow him to monopolize our only tv with "Snakes On A Plane." THAT IS LOVE, PEOPLE.

In the throes of mucus and horror, LB and I were running some errands this afternoon, buying new wine glasses and hoping that we would infect the entire side of town we dislike with his personal plague. We were stopped at a red light when out of nowhere, he turned to me and said...

...and this is a direct quote....

"Most people don't know what I'm talking about when I say this, but when I blow my nose, air shoots out my eyes. Does that ever happen to you?"

No, in fact, that has never happened to me, a fact I shared with him once I stopped laughing so hard that plain old tears came out of my own eyes. He was shocked, truly shocked, that I had never experienced the transformation of my tear ducts into fire-breathing dragons.

I really hope he gets over this plague soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The same thing happens to me. Air comes out of my eyes when I blow MY nose. It doesn't happen all the time though, and my boyfriend totally does not believe me!