Sunday, November 23, 2008

The "Real" Answer from the "Lawyer"

Lawyer Boy has informed me that there is an actual answer to the below-referenced mindfuck--one that does not involve goose slave labor OR vacuum-sealed Ziplocs. So naturally, I was skeptical. Here's the "real" answer: You put the goose in the boat and take it across the river and dump it on the bank. You go back and get the grain, and take that across the river, BUT THEN, when you drop the grain on the bank, you put the goose back in the boat, and take him across to where the fox is waiting. You chuck the goose on the bank, and put the fox in the boat, take him across and dump him with the grain, and then go back and get the goose, and go about your business and get them to help you find a date, which is the only reason I can find for why you'd travel with a couple of animal companions.
A few observations: 1) My way still takes less time, and builds muscle mass on that delicious goose, and 2) If you could take an animal BACKWARDS with you in the boat, they should have said that! Pardon me for trying to be honest and solving the problem as it was presented to me.

1 comment:

natedawg said...

gotta think outside the box meg. by the way if you see this i'm just getting around to reading all of your blogs. i have a ton of catching up to do but want to get through them all