Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Grace & Lawyer Boy!

Dear Grace and LB,
Wow! I can't believe you've been married for three years! Three years without a divorce or an unintended pregnancy--that's a better track record than some people have just coming out of college. Way to rock the nuptials, guys. One day, when you're mature enough to admit that guacamole and chips are not a balanced meal and that watching Family Guy is not "cultural enhancement," you'll have really cute babies, who will be good at math and have sassy mouths, which will piss you off and make you proud, respectively. But for now, stick to enjoying each other and trying to get the dog to play with the cat by the head.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Get the dog to play with the cat by his head? What?

Happy Anniversary ;)