Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Snippet of Stupidity

As promised, I will return to regale you with tales from my adventure in South Carolina, which will serve as part captivating autobiography, and part "what not to do in public if you ever want people to like you," both of which I hope will serve you well in the years to come. Someone has to learn something from my life, because clearly, I am not.

At this present juncture, howevz, I'm in a less-than-fantastic state of mind to share words with you this morning. Already today, I have:

1. Tried to stir a cup of coffee with a fork;
2. Become totally huffy and surprised when this did absolutely no good whatsoever; and
3. Lit a campfire in the bottom of my oven. Second time in a month--I'm better at camping than I thought, apparently.

Would you say that I'm a little "out of sorts" when LB isn't around...or that I'm just plain special like a three-legged giraffe?

1 comment:

Shelley said...

omg you need to update!